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Wally Hall Jr Memorial Steelhead Derby 2022/2023

C U R R E N T   S T A N D I N G S

Last Year's Winner... Ed Fogarty • 13.55lbs  • 81cm  • Doe

This annual memorial seasonal steelhead derby runs from December 1st, 2022 to March 15th, 2023 on the Chilliwack/Vedder River. Proceeds generated from the derby will be donated to Fraser Valley Watersheds Coalition, which further raises funds from various government agencies so habitat restoration projects can take place on the Chilliwack / Vedder River watershed.

Targeting hatchery marked steelhead only, Derby tickets are $20 each, which can be purchased at Fred's Custom Tackle or on-line at

To weigh in a fish, simply bring it to Fred's Custom Tackle's Chilliwack store along with the fish recorded on your license. From there we'll weigh, measure, and record your catch, and, take a quick pic. If you don't want to be in the picture, no worries, just hold it up and have the fish say cheese.

Prizes include:

  • $50 for the first fish* weighed in (must be 5lbs or over);

  • $100 for the first fish* weighed in over 17lbs;

  • 6 x $100 hidden weight prizes;

  • First place winner receives $1,000 plus their name on the trophy;

  • Second place winner receives a centerpin reel;

  • Third place winner receives a drift rod/reel combo.

The derby ends on March 15th, 2022 and all prizes will be given out on awards day, March 26th, at 10 am, at the Royal Canadian Legion, 5661 Vedder Rd, Chilliwack. All winners, including those on the leaderboard, must be present to claim their prize. 

Click here for the Derby Rules and Regulations or ask for a copy at our Chilliwack store.

*Some restrictions apply.

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