Guided Salmon Fishing Trips
The Fraser River tributaries offer some of the finest salmon fishing in the world. Running from July to January, the 5 species include:
Chinook (aka. kings or springs) - Red Springs arrive in the Chilliwack/Vedder for the opening on July 1 and run through to mid/late August. While the larger White Springs, are available in the Fall months on both the Chilliwack and Harrison systems. Depending on the river, chinook can be fished using both traditional gear or swinging a fly.
Pinks (aka. humpies) - show up in September every odd year (2023, 2025, etc.). These are the smallest species but are easy to fish for on both gear and fly setups. Lots of fun for anglers of all ages and skills.
Sockeye - an awesome sport fish. Depending on run size, this can be available on the Fraser River during August/September and are usually catch and release on other tributaries.
Chum - Pound-for-pound, no other salmon fights harder. Male chum salmon can not only grow big, but they get very angry. They appear in our local rivers around late September and run through mid/late November. They can be fished using both traditional gear or swinging a fly;
Coho (aka. silvers or blue backs) - our coho runs are world-famous. All of our local tributaries offer a coho run, with availability anywhere from mid-September to January. A great species for traditional gear or fly anglers.
Salmon trips are available for a walk-and-wade, or on one of our custom jet boats.
We also offer mixed outings where you can fish for both salmon and sturgeon!
Join us for a fun day on the water this Summer or Fall and book your trip today.
Book a salmon fishing experience of a lifetime!
Call or text River Titan Pro Anglers, the guided fishing services arm of Fred's Custom Tackle,
at 604-835-3474 (FISH) or email info@rivertitan.ca